The world is a brilliant and mad place with so much to offer, to see, to do, to create. Here I paint daily, post commissions, and ramblings on life, art, history, reading and grand plans to take over the world. Take a seat, the roller coaster is starting!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Painting a Day - 19
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Painting a Day - 18

Zinc Yellow
Oil on Gessoed Matboard
Rather Small
I really love this yellow for landscapes when I modify the Zorn palette. It keeps its intensity and makes beautiful greens. And this is a huge image. Oh well. You can see my brush strokes! And all the toned ground I was using.
I'll put descriptions on the others later
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Painting a Day - 17

Oil on Gessoed Card
Rather small
I just love cad red light, don't you? It's my favorite color ever. You can tell that the paint tube is almost used up. I need a new one!
I'm just sad this scan doesn't get the color exactly right. I'll do a photograph later. I just got back in from work, and I'm so tired.
Painting a Day - 16

Oil on Gessoed Card
Rather small
Well, I've decided things have slowed down enough for me to try this again. "Slowed Down" meaning I've decided to not try and kill myself with a crappy workload. This one is actually scanned because all my lights (just about) are out and I can't get good light. And I don't want to use flash. Scanning is probably worse, but it is also easier for me. At least now while I'm so friggin' tired.
I did this little series to see what I could do with different toned grounds. I started out trying to do little self portraits on them, but that didn't work out so well with my heavy workload and these cute little things happened. This one is Rose Madder and I like this one. The toned ground was pretty fun. I'd like to substitute this red for cad red light/vermilion and see how it acts in the Zorn Palette. Obviously this little sketch was not done with that palette, but it worked out well so we won't hold that against it.
I will say I don't like how I did the cast shadows. I didn't open them up enough and the colors are a little more bright than I'm used to working.
I like how the little tubes of paint have lots of specks of color from being in the paint box. Some have clearance stickers that are perfect! This one was pretty basic, full, not very dirty though it did have some nice green paint specks on it. I love grumbacher and I'm lucky that all the colors I wanted to try were. I'd hate to have a series where they were all different. Of course I did tone with gold acrylic and paint that container as well. Oh well.
I've also been working on some more writing on painting and the work I'm doing. That's going rather badly. I might post a paper I'm working on about quilts, though speaking of going badly, that's probably going worse.
Also, everyone should watch Howl's Moving Castle. It made me happy. I am probably the only person in the world who hasn't seen it.
I was hypnotized today, but I wasn't supposed to be. They were hypnotizing the teacher and apparently I'm pretty susceptible to it. I figured I would be. Hell, I spend half of my life in a paint induced trance. I never realized I had such a specific happy place.
Anyway, I'll have another of these up tomorrow.
Ja, yo!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Craft: Chain Maille

Goldish and Silverish rings
Long enough to wear
Yeah, I couldn't help it, I saw the kits and I bought them and the next thing I know I have these two things done in a couple of hours. So I scan 'em in to show a friend, and I decide to post 'em.
I like 'em. They aren't real gold or silver because they make me break out, so I might give 'em away or sell 'em or something. Maybe not the necklace, I can wear it when I wear collared shirts. I dunno. I should be painting more... but sometimes ya just need a break in the monotony. Or the insane job from hell.
I have been painting, I just haven't been taking pictures of any of them. I don't much like 'em. They're for people and not just something I'm doing. I'm going to go finish them today. That will leave one more piece that has to be done before school starts (Eghads! only one day!) and then I will be done until the Christmas crunch.
I'm a tard.
And I'll get back to writing articles too. I really miss that. Yeah, I have only written one, but I like doing it, kay?
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