Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Painting - Colorful Lemon

Colorful Lemon
Oil on Gallery wrapped Canvas

Normally I do my paintings using indirect north light, which I love, but for some reason today, I saw this lemon sitting by itself in direct light and I really liked it. It kinda looked a bit introverted too, which is always a plus. I usually paint very outgoing fruit. So I decided to paint it as it was. It was very, very colorful, despite its shyness! And the light kept changing. A lot. But I do like how this came out.

Also, I have great news! I get to show my work at a local restaurant here in Memphis. Very, very cool. The Trolley Stop Market is one of my cousin's favorite places to eat, and I decided to bite the bullet and ask if I could display my work there.

Yay! I can! So if you are in the area and want to see my paintings up close and personal, in the next couple of days I'll be setting up. Actually, I just finished painting and saw the email that they like my painting. I have to go answer it now @_@ (yes, I'm doing this a bit backwards... But I figure I'll put all the exclamation points here, and try and be more professional in the email :)

Probably... Maybe. :P


Don Coker said...

Allison, thank you for your kind comments at my blog! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I really enjoyed my visit to your blog as well. Great stuff! Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Allison, I just bought your little apple sketch at the Trolley Stop. Love your work. Is your "Colorful Lemon" still for sale?

Allison Dollar said...

Hello! Sorry for taking me so long to respond, I've been out of the country and without internet. (Aside from at two hotels and I was sleeping while I was at those!)

Thank you for visiting my site Don! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

I am so glad you bought my Apple Sketch, Holly! I believe my Lemon Painting was also at TSM. They may have moved some paintings, or it may have been bought. I haven't been told I've sold it yet, but I'm still going through emails from the trip! I'll be going their Monday or Tuesday and I will find out for you. Thank you so much!

Allison Dollar said...

I just got off the phone with my cousin, and she said that the lemon painting is still at TSM. I won't be there until Monday or Tuesday to check for myself, but she did say everything got moved to another shelf. If it will be awhile before you come back, I can have them put the painting aside for you if you would like? Let me know!