Saturday, August 20, 2011

CommissionII: The Video

Sorry I don't have a photograph of what I've done today. It got really dark really fast, and anything I photograph now will look incredibly yellow. The moment that light bulb goes out I'm putting in some natural light bulbs. I hope I don't find one that's too blue. I might review some bulbs soon. I'll post a photograph here tomorrow in any event.

But what I managed to set up is video! So I can hook up my computer and have myself painting online for everyone to see my process. I figure it will at least be fun. I remember I did it several years ago and I enjoyed it. And now I have a better space for painting, if I can make enough room for my web camera holder, or the third easel. I'll see how it looks when it's light out. The camera is pretty blurry so if I make money I might go for another camera too!

The only real problem I have is my computer does not like sound at all. It won't play any sound, and it won't record any sound. It has been doing this for awhile, and I will miss being able to answer questions and explain what I am doing while I paint. I remember doing that the first time I painted online and it made me feel less awkward, like I was an actual teacher, and not some random artist in front of a webcam.

The link to my art show profile is HERE. It's a little bit dull and drab, but I'll take time to fix it up if I actually keep doing this. I might decide I look to awful or paint too badly to continue. It seems like it will be fun though. I can dress up or something. And wear a smock. Isn't that a fun word? Smock. Smock smock smock smock smock! What's wrong with me?! It's late and I don't want to have another zombie dream. We'll go with that. Anyway, I plan on painting sometime after lunch because that's when the light is the best for video. And I'll probably be awake. So hop on in and see if I'll be broadcasting :) Don't laugh if I look funny either. You'd look funny too if you hadn't been sleeping well.

In other news, I may have another art commission soon. That would be good, because I need one after I get finished with this one. So far I haven't had to market a lot or sit down to really overhaul my online presence. I plan on doing that if the commissions stop coming in! I hope they don't.

So to talk about the actual painting!

I didn't get finished with her clothing, and I messed up the sleeve of his jacket so I am having to wait until it dries again. I guess I could wipe it off but it seems easier to just move on because it really needs some paint in that area anyway, even if the drawing is kind of off.

I'm using an unusual amount of color for this thing. I've got a list longer than just about any painting I've ever done. And it looks like I have been using less! I always find that is the case. If I limit myself I squeeze every last drop of color out of just a few tubes. If I don't put on limits I get lazy and let the colors come straight out of the tube without any thought. It's cheaper this way because I don't use my good colors a lot of time, and I use less of what I use because I do a lot less mixing.

I would feel embarrassed listing out all of my colors. But I suppose I will.

Yellow Ocher
Naples Yellow
Cad Yellow Lt
Windsor Lemon Yellow
Dark Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Raw Umber
Burnt Umber
Lamp Black
Payne's Grey
Davey's Grey
Alizarin Crimson
Cad Red Lt
Sap Green

What I find funny is I have not opened a tube of actual blue this entire painting and it seems like my painting is swimming in it. The closest thing I have are those grey colors. And one of them look more green when you add white! I always get them confused so I'll have to look and see exactly which one does what.

I feel like I'm being a bit lazy with this painting, not using only the colors I can mix to get the colors I need. I guess I was so worried about not adding enough colors to drag the photograph out of the seventies that I kind of went overboard and just starting adding colors. The good thing is it seems to be working. It's not as seventies looking. Well, to me at least.

Wow. I've written so much and there is not even a photograph. I'll definitely fix that tomorrow!

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